Cleaning the House Before the Cleaning Lady Comes


Asking for help is hard. We are filled with excuses that prevent us asking for support. Some may sound familiar to you like - It’s too expensive - I don’t have time - I should be able to do this on my own. Maybe you may feel like things “aren’t bad enough” to justify asking for help.

One of the most popular roadblocks I see is the one I call “Cleaning the House, Before the Cleaning-Lady Comes.” I have to laugh when I hear friends say, “I have to pick up the house because the cleaning-lady is coming tomorrow.” I think, why are you cleaning if you are paying a professional to clean for you? What I know is that we all feel self-conscious about our own (perceived) “mess”. We don’t want anyone else to see we want or need help-advice-a sounding board. We feel shame or fear judgement, and so we tidy up so things “don’t seem so bad” when help finally arrives. 

The same could be said for why people avoid calling a Coach. Being stuck, frustrated, discouraged or lacking confidence in an area, feels messy. And crappy. It takes courage to admit you may not have it all together, and yet in doing so you realize that you are not alone. Life is messy. Relationships, jobs, expectations, dreams are messy. Its okay to be messy. That is how we learn and grow.  

If any of this sounds familiar to you, please know that there is nothing wrong with you for wanting to “clean up” before reaching out. You may also rest assured, that you get to choose how much of you I see. I understand the courage it takes for you to show up and ask for help. You don’t have to have it all figured out. We will clean up together