There is a spongy thick cloud full of words that lives just a couple of feet above my head, that blocks my ideas from getting out. It circles my body too, just in case an idea was to get sneaky and try to slip out sideways. It has this low grumbling voice that says nasty shit I can barely make out most of the time, but I know it is there. Just waiting to criticize.
You see, when an idea rises out of my brain-body-spirit, excited to be born, this cloud jumbles together a bunch of it’s words together (word like “it won’t work”, “no one cares”, “someone already did that”) and my sweet little joyful ideas get smacked back down into my brainspace to swirl around with their unexpressed siblings. Recycling. Never getting out. All of them piling on one another. It is paralyzing.
I was stuck.
The past couple of weeks have been shit.
So, yesterday I threw myself a pity party and then I had a coaching session with a colleague (we barter coaching sometimes because it is fun and helpful) and I was telling her that I felt so stuck. And I won’t bore you with the details except to say that it was in that session that I was able to identify, explore, and name this block that was keeping me from executing some exciting and powerful ideas.
This is the power of metaphor.
You see, I couldn’t identify my stuckness before. I was too “in it”. I knew (in my rational mind) that I was like a grape, dying on the vine. I had all the excuses. I felt my body’s exhaustion. I was “less than enthusiastic” as my dear friend likes to say. I was crabby and uninspired.
And on top of all of that, I was pissed at myself for not “just doing” what I needed to do to execute. To take action. Just do the thing.
I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that when you approach your roadblocks from a different perspective (other than your negative thoughts that keep you stuck) transformation occurs. When you can get to know and embrace (and even be grateful for) all the parts of you that make up your glorious whole self, you are better able to shift out of your stuck perspective.
And that is all “the cloud” was for me. A perspective. One that has some positive attributes as well (you can email me for more details if you are curious how the cloud actually serves me).
And when I could see it, taste it, hear it, embody this perspective. LIke, really get to know it.
I freed myself..
So I ask you. What is keeping you stuck? (Spoiler alert: it isn’ t your jerk boss, or your mother-in-law, or time bandits)...
And what is waiting for you on the other side of stuck?
If you are curious how to use the power of metaphor to work through your roadblocks,
I have 2 spots for new clients starting in February. If you are ready to transform your stuck energy and get on with the cool shit you are meant to do, then reach out.